John Bartolotta – Chief Executive
John is Managing Director of the Royale Group – a highly successful transport,
development and agriculture business, focused on identifying opportunities for
John is Managing Director of the Royale Group – a highly successful transport,
development and agriculture business, focused on identifying opportunities for

Kathy Zhang – Director
Kathy brings more than 26 years’ experience in international business working for
one of the leading Chinese airlines, including seven years managing its Oceania
regional business

Alex Paton GAICD– Director, Marketing & Business Development
Alex is a leading Business Development, Marketing, Communications, Sustainability
& Strategic Planning Advisor with close to 30 years’ experience in the infrastructure

Paul Simos – Director, Financial & Legal
Paul provides strategy, corporate development, business development, management and planning advice to early stage and growth businesses with a focus on the proptech, healthtech, renewable energy and transport sectors.